Kamis, 10 April 2014

Why Are We On Earth?

Why are we here?
We are here because God created us, and he created us to be special among all His creation. He could have built a perfect paradise on Earth and programmed mankind to live peacefully and happily to the end of their lives. But, if that were the case, where would be the fun of living? So, because He loves Us, He lets the world carry on its own free will by giving us the freedom of choice. And when we finally discover and adore Him, He would feel great satisfaction because His special creation had on their own had joined Him out of love and free will.

At the onset here, I want you to see clearly and certainly, that you are here for a special reason: to love yourself, to love others, and to love God. You are here to bring success and happiness to yourself and your fellow men.  Someone once said, “The great purpose of life is to take something that will outlast us”. It would be very sad, if you lived like a cow or a sheep and just passed away, without beautifying and enriching yourself, society, and humanity. So let love and virtues be the focal point and integral part of your values ad your daily life. Let your love for your parents, brothers, and sisters be deep and unconditional  : then you will greatly enjoy and treasure their company, you will help them more and share the joy of building a wonderful home. If you really love God, you will do good.

Life is precious, and so are you! Make the most of life and yourself.  Enjoy and progress every minute of your day. Everyday always new,  Every time is beginning of your great lifetime. Let us ponder upon the words of great people, words that would enlighten you, and to launch you on your fabulous journey.

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